Saturday, October 25, 2008

He's home!

James came home (finally) on October 12th. I havent even uploaded pictures from the homecoming yet :-\ but once I do I will be sure to add one or two here. It's been so nice having him home. Sierra's as happy as can be. He's going back to work on Monday but at least he'll be home everynight.

I got a job! But I wont start until December first. I was supposed to start the training November 3rd but it got pushed back. I've applied for some temp jobs to do from now until them... just to get extra cash for the holidays. Oh and we got James a car. I have to drive Sierra to school and pick her up everday so even If I don't have to work we really need 2 cars. It's a 99 Chrysler LHS. It's a great car and it has more features than our Trailblazer!

I LOVE my new camera. The battery was dead when we went to the pumpkin patch on the 19th so I had to use my old camera. Here are some pictures from that day

If you want to see more pictures feel free to visit our webshots site :)

Thursday, October 2, 2008

It's been too long since I've updated.

Sorry it has been so long. things have been crazy. We made it back to Washington safe and sound. We had a blast on our trip and you can see pictures from it here.

Sierra is a month into first grade. She is doing very well. She likes her teacher & seems to get along with her classmates. She's also in Jazz Dance at the dance school she went to last year. In Jan we plan on putting her in either Jazz & Ballet or Jazz & Gymnastics. We'll see. Her Christmas recital will be December 15th. She's already learning the dance she will preform. She's going to be Hannah Montana this year.

As for me, I am doing okay. I didnt get a chance to start photography classes last month but I will be starting them in Jan instead. That will give me more time to figure out what time of day I want to take the classes. Below is my new toy that I got (okay, I also just got the Dyson DC17 Asthma & Allergy)... but this is my new new I can't wait until it comes in the mail. I may end up doing my Holiday family photo's myself. We'll see!

And last but not least... James will be coming home very soon! We have no clue yet when he'll be reenlisting because people are sitting on their hands and not getting stuff done. He's aiming for a October 10th reenlistment date. Cross your fingers he gets some paperwork back!