Monday, March 23, 2009

3wks 2days

The puppies are now 3weeks 2days old. They are getting so big!... well, as big a Shih Tzu puppies get. Sadie is getting so much better with them. She likes to lick them and play with them. She thinks they are her wind up toys. She really enjoys waking them up when they are sleeping. Here are some photos. We've given them names (at least until they find their forever homes).

Above is Elvis

Above is Max

And our only girl (who happens to look like Sadie) is named Oreo.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

St. Patty's Day!

Hello everyone! Sorry I haven't updated in forever. Things have been a little crazy around here. The puppies seem to be taking up a lot of my time. Sadie has very little interest in their care so it's kept us on our toes.

I hope everyone has a safe St. Patrick's Day. Sierra's class had a performance today. The video link is included in this post. I took some pictures but because i was in the back of the gym and the lighting was horrible they didn't turn out great. They are in the webshots account to the right.

Other than that Sierra is working hard on learning the dance for her dance recital in June. They are dancing to the Rihanna song "SOS".

In April Sierra will start Soccer. She's done baseball for the last three years but this time we decided to try out Soccer. She's on a all girls team. She's super excited!

I think that is about it for now. :)

Sierra's First Grade St. Patrick's Day

Monday, March 2, 2009

Birthday and puppies.

James came home on the 19th. He was happy to be back again finally after so many delays!

So on the 27th I turned 24. I feel older than that, lol. For my birthday we went out to dinner. We ate at applebee's

On the 28th the puppies were born! What an eventful day! It was an amazing experience to help Sadie bring the puppies into the world. She had three. She had a black one with a white spot on it's head and one spot on its back. It's a boy. Then she had a white puppy with black spots. She's the runt and she is a girl. Then she had a black puppy with a white belly. That puppy is a boy. Sadie had no interest in the puppies at first. She refused to care for them or feed them. The only time she was willing to feed them was when she was in labor with #2. We have to hold her down and make her feed them. She is getting better though. Sunday she let us just sit next to her while shes feeding them without trying too hard to get up. And then today i was actually able to get up and run to the bathroom and she continued to feed them. If she gets distracted or hears any noises she gets up and runs off. She's also been going up to the basket we have them in and sniffing but she is still somewhat uninterested. She refuses to lick and clean them. That's okay though.. these puppies will be people lovers! They look big in the pics but they are smaller than my hand.

Sadie in labor

Sadie after #1 was born

Feeding #1