Friday, November 20, 2009

I need to update more often!

So, here we are less than a week away from thanksgiving. This year has gone by so very fast. Sorry, I havent updated more often but i've had no time.

My sister and her children moved here to Washington. It's nice having more family so close :).

Work is going well for me. I really love my job. My co-workers are awesome too :P.

Sierra's doing well in school. She is having a blast with dance and it's keeping her VERY busy. Her first competition is in January so she has a LOT of dance classes coming up in December.

James is doing well also. We are gearing up for him being gone most of the beginning of the year.

We've started christmas shopping. I feel so disorganized this year! Hopefully once all of the puppies are gone (there are 4 left) I will really be able to start to work on organizing our christmas stuff.

I think that is all for now. I will try to find time to add posts more often. Next term I am taking 4 classes! Someone shoot me! lol.

Monday, November 2, 2009


Happy lated Halloween!

We had a costume emergency the night before so we had to go to the store and TRY to find a decent costume. We didn't find what we wanted but we found something that we could make do with.

So, Sierra was a 50's girl. :)