Monday, April 13, 2009

It's been forever... i know

Sorry I haven't update lately. My life has been a little crazy! Those of you who know me know the details :P. Anyway, Easter was fun! Tom came up the weekend before. We had Ham and all of the Easter fixings on the Monday before Easter. Tom left Monday night. James' brother and his wife and two kids are staying with us for a little while. It's been nice having so much family around. Saturday we went to an Easter egg hunt but I didn't get a lot of pictures because some of the kids ran too early and then everyone else followed them. After that we went to the Alfy's that Brady works at for lunch. Sunday we went bowling.

Today I had a job interview. It went well. It's working at a tanning salon but it's only until I can get licensed to sell insurance in the state of Washington. Hopefully I will be fully licensed by July. Below are some pictures. You can click on them to see bigger or go to the link to the right to see more. Enjoy.

Dyeing eggs

Sierra at the easter egg hunt

Sierra, Michelle (my sister in law) and Robert