Thursday, January 21, 2010

Update on us...

Sorry I havent posted. I have been super busy with school, work and family. Sierra had her first dance competition this past weekend. The dance she was in won 1st place high point, platinum and most entertaining. She had a blast and was excited she did well.

Other than that not much new to report. We are less than a month away from Sierra turning 8. I still can't believe she's going to be 8!

The weather has been nice. The sun has actucally been out. I wish I would have tried to get some pictures done today. I have just had no energy on my day off lately.

Friday, January 1, 2010

HAPPY 2009!!!!

On Monday our lives become crazy again. Sierra goes back to school and dance. I start school again. This time I will be going to the school 2 days a week. Fun. I've had the last three days off of work and I've enjoyed some relaxation. I am definately ready to go back to work though :)